Destiny Church
Church at 12636 Lorraine Road, Biloxi, MS 39532
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Address | 12636 Lorraine Road Biloxi MS 39532 Get directions |
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (6 reviews)
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Destiny Church
Closed now.Today: 06:30 pm - 07:30 pm
Sunday | 10:00 am - 12:30 pm |
Tuesday | 06:30 pm - 09:00 pm |
Wednesday | 06:30 pm - 07:30 pm |
Thursday | 06:00 pm - 08:30 pm |
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in Biloxi, MS
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The primary concern at Destiny is your submission to their authority and that the Pastor leaves a legacy for his kids. It is all smoke and mirrors. Seldom is everything as it seems on the surface once you look deeper. They require you to sign a “covenant” to serve on things like the worship team where you vow to abstain from things like all alcohol or secular music. While I don’t necessarily agree with these rules personally, if you choose to sign that is your decision. What I don’t agree with is how most serving members even some high level leaders sign agreeing to follow these rules and then do things like drink alcohol while lying about it. Meanwhile everyone proclaims how righteous they are. Destiny is ultimately a family business. You will never reach the lost if you can’t even be decent to the people that attend YOUR church. Nepotism, favoritism, and the Shepherding Doctrine are alive and well here at Destiny. When person after person complains about the way they are treated by the leaders and their personal friends to the pastor it is not because of a lack of“submission to authority.” Instead of resolving issues, somehow they always seem to find a way to blame the victims. Typical spiritual abuse completely influenced by “heavy shepherding.” They constantly require you to repent of your mistakes but not once will you ever hear them admit a mistake, much less repent themselves. Every message here has some aspect of submission to church authorities. These authorities are primarily the pastor’s kids. If you question their actions you can expect to be driven out. Destiny is much more concerned with leaving the pastor’s children a legacy than in reaching the lost. Expect a strict Old Testament focused disciplinarian with a set of rules for you and no rules whatsoever for his family. Destiny’s leaders should be shepherds leading their sheep by their example. Instead they are cowboys driving their herd through threats and intimidation. This is the kind of place where leaders will get mad at you and shun you. Then, they will take their anger out on your family by refusing to acknowledge you or them. All while preaching about love, using your gifts, and reaching the lost. Honestly, it is really too bad the secondary leaders here don’t simply treat everyone as well as they treat the pastor. If they did it would be a completely different place. After they love bomb you at the door initially, you will find a much different type of “love” at Destiny later. This love centers on your submission. If you submit to their control of small areas of your life, they will gradually take control of the rest of it with ever increasing religious duties as you seek their approval to be “spiritual”. You are expected to be at the church every time the doors open or your just not “all in” for Jesus.
Destiny’s leaders are all family. The family owns everything, controls everything, and makes EVERY single decision. There is no accountability for them nor do they accept or allow any congregational input. The family has total control of every aspect including TOTAL financial control. The church belongs to them. They only need you to pay for it and do all the jobs they don’t want to do. Ask a leader a “why aren’t we or why do we” question and the first response you get is “who are you to question me”? Since Destiny is all family run, a family leader is never wrong. Their allegiance is always to each other never to right and wrong. When they are wrong, they ALWAYS have an excuse and are defended. Your reaction to their treatment of you is the only thing that matters to them. If you try to address your mistreatment, the family closes ranks and defends each other even when they are obviously wrong. When the family fails to perform a task or to perform a task adequately, there are absolutely no repercussions. The only paid staff members are family. There were no interviews or selection process. God told their Dad his kids were the “anointed ones” and they were simply given their roles and salary. When one family member walks away the vacated role is bestowed on the next family member in line. They are also the only ones with any real input. No matter how experienced you are, they say things like “your input has value I just don’t feel like using it”. Sadly, they are insecure, unskilled, untrained, and worst of all refuse to get any real training. Anything you do that they see as a challenge to their control, results in them either shutting it down or taking it over. Like home led small groups or Celebrate Recovery for specific examples. They have no problem treating you spitefully, vindictively, and/or simply outright ignoring you. They will readily refuse to even acknowledge you when you walk past or speak when you speak to them. Then they will preach to you about proper attitude. Your attitude is the only one that matters and you are the only one held accountable. Any other leaders are personal friends chosen strictly for their compliance to the ruling family. You will constantly hear them tell stories about their praying for people in random encounters at places like the racetrack and Walmart and then they treat the people they go to church with to nasty looks, vindictiveness, the cold shoulder, and spitefulness. I guess compassion and love only extends to random people, not the ones you go to church with. What is said here is much different than what is actually done. Especially about things like wanting you to use your gifts. They have no problem using your abilities as long as you mindlessly do exactly as you are told and your abilities do not threaten them. You will not have any actual input into anything. When your abilities or knowledge begin to outstrip their own, you will start to have problems with the leaders. It is hard to balance their talk of family and love with their willingness to mistreat and then shun those that fall out of family favor. This behavior is especially true if your skill, training, and/or anointing threatens their insecurities. When the ill treatment begins, should you object to their treatment or react poorly to the way they are treating you, you will quickly find yourself in a “fellowship” meeting. with the pastor and his armor bearers. These correctional meetings are so common they are joked about. “Let’s go get a coke” is the phrase used as if you being treated like a small child corrected by a parent is humorous. These meetings result from silly things like getting coffee at an unapproved time,(during worship), or as in my own case once, the worship leader not liking the look on my face during Destiny’s worship time. From experience, when you are called into the principle’s office you will face the pastor and his armor bearers all arrayed against you. They say this is for the pastor’s “protection” but really it is really about control and intimidation. He says the people chosen to accompany him are to protect him from you but you are offered no protection whatsoever. You will face a two/three on one grilling. Most of the time the chief armor bearer accompanying him is one of the most frequent people treating others to nasty looks and attitude. In the “fellowship meeting”, you will find you are corrected for every misstep, but the family and personal friends are never corrected. None of the family leaders are ever invited to “go get a coke” because in his own words “he doesn’t want to crush their spirit”. You are told you must blindly and completely submit to their authority in every instance even if they are wrong or risk being “punished by God”. Any negative actions by family members are consistently defended with a laundry list of excuses. Everything from that’s “just the way they are” to “it’s your own fault you were treated that because you did not apologize sooner” is used to defend their actions. Any mistake of yours is used to point out how unworthy and unspiritual you are. Again, the family’s personal friends and family members actions are ALWAYS excused. As well, you are told things you personally witnessed actually didn’t happen. The secondary leaders you face in these meetings are much different than the people you will face when you exit the room. Outside the attitude towards you really begins out from under Dad’s eye. As person after person leaves the leaders say people just “grow or they go” here. As if refusing to be treated poorly or daring to ask questions is refusing to grow. If you dare to discuss these problems they say it just proves you are “far from God.” You should just shut up and submit to your treatment. Grow or you go” is a perfect example of spiritual abuse. It denies any leadership responsibility and makes everything the person that leaves fault. It is used to show how unspiritual you are for leaving. It is a perfect example of blaming the victim for their abuse.
Should you choose to attend here pay close attention to what is done much more than what is said.Added March 03, 2019 by Augy Goff - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This church is so awesome the presence of the LORD is there. ALL THE PEOPLE ARE FRIENDLY GENUINE. TOWARD EVERYONE. THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS CHURCH AND PASTORS CHRIS McCall and PATTI McCall. All I can hear The. HOLY SPRIT say is....."COME SEE A MAN" John 4:29
Added February 22, 2017 by BEDELIA HILBURN - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most amazing church i have been to. The Worship is top of the line.
Added February 19, 2017 by Jaisa Mullins - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful church family, they are loving and faithful. When in Mississippi, Destiny Church will be my number one place of worship.
Added January 04, 2017 by Rashelle Haak - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love d it pastor was on fire today nothing but the truth.
Added December 02, 2016 by janie Easterling - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Because the preacher is awesome and proclaims to be as I have been and he understands alot of the dark world and he truly wants to carry you to the light
Added August 19, 2016 by Char Ledebuhr